Using the Security Panel
You can secure your PDF documents with a password or certificate security scheme in the Security panel.
To secure PDF documents with an existing security scheme:
- Choose View > Organizer Panels > Security or click the Security icon in the Organizer Panel (right toolbar) to open the security panel on the right window.
- Right-click a password policy or a certificate policy and select Apply Security Scheme from the context menu .
- The current document is secured with your security scheme. However, the security settings will not be effective until you save and close the document. You can still edit the file or change security settings before the file is closed.
Note: When applying a password scheme, you may be prompted to set an open password or permissions password if you didn’t check save password with scheme during the scheme creation.
For a certificate scheme, it may require you to set recipient list and permissions if you have checked Ask for recipients when applying this scheme during the scheme creation.
When you apply a security scheme to a PDF document that already has security settings (if allowed), the new security settings will replace the old settings automatically.