The Toolbars are located at the top of the window, providing shortcuts to commonly-used functions. Every toolbar in PDF Plus is customizable to your preferences. Remove toolbars you don’t use, or re-arrange them. You can even move them from the top bar and float them anywhere in the window. Customize your workspace just the way you like it.

How to adjust toolbars:

  • Choose View > Toolbars or right-click any toolbar.
  • A list of the currently active toolbars will be check-marked. Un-check to hide.
  • Select Reset Toolbars or CTRL-F8 to switch to default settings. Click Hide toolbars or F8 to hide all toolbars.
  • Go to Show Button Labels to modify whether toolbar buttons are text-labeled.

How to customize toolbar buttons:

  • Choose View > Toolbars or right-click any toolbar. Then select Customize Toolbars.
  • All Toolbars and Buttons that are active are check-marked. Select the Buttons you would like to be included in each Toolbar and un-check those you wish to hide.

Floating toolbars:

  • Each toolbar can be moved from the toolbar panel into a floating position. Left-click and hold the hash marks to the left of the toolbar  and drag into position. If you wish to return the toolbar, just drag it back by clicking and holding the top of the toolbar window.
