The Favorites feature works like the bookmarks in your internet browser. Add and then organize links to your frequently- opened PDF files for quick access.

Recent Files and History provide links to the PDF files you’ve accessed in the past. They are located in the File Menu.


To add a file to Favorites:

  1. Choose Favorites > Add To Favorites or find the Favorites icon PDF Gold favorites Favorites/Recent Files/History on the Menu Toolbar.
  2. Any currently open PDF file will be listed. If you wish to add a different file, click Browse. Or, type in a URL if the file is from a website.
  3. Select the Collection you’d like to place the file in, or create a new Collection by clicking New.
  4. Enter a Description of the PDF file if desired.
  5. Click OK to add file.

Managing your Favorites:

  • Choose Favorites > Manage Favorites or find Favorites PDF Gold favorites Favorites/Recent Files/History on the Menu Toolbar.
  • The Collections list is on the left. Click one to view its contents. You may also Create or Delete Collections here.
  • On the top right the PDF files are displayed. Select the files and choose from the options below, or right-click the file for extended options, such as moving to a different Collection or e-mailing the file.
  • The bottom display window shows the selected PDF file’s details.

Favorites/Recent Files/History