The Destination area provides controls that specify how to save PDF files and how to send PDF files as e-mail attachments.

Naming Method

Select a naming method from the pull-down menu:

  • Query the file name
    During printing, PDF Driver will display the Save As dialog box in which you can enter a target file name. This is the default setting.
  • Specify file name below
    Choose this method to enter a full file directory path in the PDF pathname field.
  • Save in named folder; prompt file name
    Choose this method to create a PDF file in the directory specified in the PDF pathname field. PDF Driver will prompt you to enter the file name during printing. The directory will be created if necessary.
  • Save in named folder; auto-name file
    Depending on the application, this method tells PDF Create! to generate the PDF file name automatically and store the file in the directory specified in the Pathname field. If no directory path is available, the file will be stored in a folder named Output, under the PDF Driver installation folder.
  • Mail result only, do not save the file
    Choose this method to create a PDF file and attach it to a new e-mail message. The file will not exist elsewhere on your system.

PDF Name or Folder
Enter the target location here. PDF Driver saves files to this location and/or name unless you choose to Query the file name.

If File Exists

Choose one of following options to resolve a file name conflict:

  • Show Warning Dialog
    PDF Driver displays a Warning dialog box in which you can choose to Replace existing file or Add trailing number to file name. Click Cancel to terminate the operation without saving anything.
  • Replace existing file
    The new PDF document replaces the existing file.
  • Add trailing number to file name
    The new PDF file name uses the target file name followed by a sequential number.
  • Insert at start of existing file
    The new PDF pages will be inserted at the beginning of the existing file.
  • Append to existing file
    The new PDF pages will be inserted at the end of the existing file.
  • Overlay with existing PDF
    The new PDF will be overlaid with the existing file. Click the Overlay button to control how the overlay should be performed.

Send Mail
Check this setting to attach your PDF file to a new e-mail message. If you do not want to save the PDF file, you should also select the Mail result only, do not save the file setting above.

Destination Controls