Bookmarks consist of a group of links with such destinations as different page views, sections of a document or to other documents. Selected word headings or styles can be converted to PDF bookmarks with a hierarchy of levels you decide, without disturbing the logical structure of the original Word document.

Bookmarks can make it easier to navigate a document, especially when reading a collection

Save Word File Before Conversion, if Possible
Save the Word file before conversion. If it is read-only, this option is ignored.

In the How to display the target page view selection box specify a magnification level to control the zoom factor for pages referenced by bookmarks. It will be applied to all bookmarks in the created PDF.

  1. Inherit Zoom: Inherit the magnification of the page containing the bookmark. The page view zoom factor will not change if the PDF viewer window is resized.
  2. Fit Page: Resize the page to fit entirely in the PDF viewer window if it is resized.
  3. Fit Width: Resize the page to fit the width of the PDF viewer window if it is resized.
  4. Fit Height: Resize the page to fit the height of the PDF viewer window if it is resized.
  5. Fit Visible: Resize the page so its contents fit the width of the PDF viewer window.

Bookmark Panel
All the Word headings and styles belonging to the current document are listed in the Bookmark Panel. Choose the styles to be converted to bookmarks by selecting checkboxes in the Bookmark column.

Meaning of the checkbox:
Checked (selected): PDF Gold checked MS Word Bookmarks Settings
Unchecked (de-selected): PDF Gold unchecked MS Word Bookmarks Settings
Decide a bookmark level (indent) for each style. Bookmarks are organized into a navigation tree with different levels like the heading structure in Word documents. Select a bookmark, then click on the level number to modify it. The default is 1.


Related Topics:

MS Word Settings
MS Word Comments Settings
MS Word Links Settings

MS Word Bookmarks Settings