Activate PDF Gold Offline:

  1. Choose All Programs > Zeon DocuCom > PDF Gold 8 > License Information. The DocuCom About dialog will pop up.
  2. Click Activate and start the Product Activation Wizard.

    PDF Gold paw about Offline Activation

  3. Select Export the activation data as the activation method and click OK.

    PDF Gold paw export Offline Activation

  4. Input your Name and E-mail with the corresponding Serial Number and click OK.

    PDF Gold paw export saveas Offline Activation

  5. Save the AcitivationData.htm file to your local machine.

    PDF Gold paw export upload Offline Activation

  6. Open the ActivationData.htm file and click Upload.

    PDF Gold paw export sucess Offline Activation

  7. Right-click License File and save it to your local machine.

    PDF Gold paw export licensefile Offline Activation

  8. Select Import the activation data in the Product Activation Wizard dialog and click OK.

    PDF Gold paw import Offline Activation

  9. Browse to find the license file (.zna file) in your local machine and open it.

    PDF Gold paw import open Offline Activation

  10. Activation is complete.

    PDF Gold paw success Offline Activation

Offline Activation