Cropping Pages
You can perform the Crop command to adjust the visible page area of your document. The resulting cropped area shows the content that will appear when the page is displayed or printed. To undo a crop operation, reset the margins in the Crop Pages dialog box. Cropping does not reduce file size because the information is not discarded, just hidden from view.
To crop pages:
- Choose Document > Pages > Crop, Tools > Advanced > Crop, or choose Crop from the Options menu in the Pages panel.
- In the Crop Pages dialog, choose a unit of measure from the Units menu first.
- Type values for the Left, Right, Top and Bottom margins. Click Set To Zero to restore the crop margins to zero. Click Revert To Selection to revert to the crop margin selected by the Crop tool.
- Select Remove White Margins to crop the page to the artwork boundary. This option is useful for trimming the edges of presentation slides saved as PDF files.
- For Page Range, specify whether the new margins apply to all pages, a range of pages, or the current pages only.
- Select Even and Odd Pages, Odd Pages Only, or Even Pages Only.
Note: The Crop tool is also available in the Advanced toolbar. When you click the Crop tool, the pointer becomes the Cross icon . When you double-click the page, the Crop Page dialog will pop up. You can also drag a cropping rectangle you want to crop on the page. To resize the rectangle, select a handle at a corner of it and drag. Double-click within the cropping rectangle and it opens the Crop Pages dialog box with corresponding values of the selected area.