The Text Markup tool allows you to indicate which parts of the text should be deleted, inserted, or replaced. Text markups such as comments, highlights, or cross-outs don’t actually change the PDF text in any way.

To insert text at cursor:

  1. Select the Text Markup tool PDF Gold text markup Marking Up Textor the Select Text tool PDF Gold selecttext Marking Up Text. The cursor will change to PDF Gold i beam Marking Up Text.
  2. Click where you want to insert text on the PDF page.
  3. Select Insert Text cursor PDF Gold insert text Marking Up Text from the Text Markup menu. It appears as: PDF Gold sample inserted text Marking Up Textwith a pop-up Inserted Text window beside.
  4. Enter what text you want to insert in the Inserted Text window.

To replace select text:

  1. Select the Text Markup tool PDF Gold text markup Marking Up Textor the Select Text tool PDF Gold selecttext Marking Up Text. The cursor will change to PDF Gold i beam Marking Up Text.
  2. Drag the mouse cursor to select the text you want to replace.
  3. Select Replace Selected Text PDF Gold replace text Marking Up Text from the Text Markup menu. The selected text shows as PDF Gold sample replace Marking Up Textwith a pop-up Replacement Text window beside it.
  4. Enter what text you want to insert in the Replacement Text window.

To add a note to selected text.

  1. Select the Text Markup tool PDF Gold text markup Marking Up Textor the Select Text tool PDF Gold selecttext Marking Up Text. The cursor will change to PDF Gold i beam Marking Up Text.
  2. Drag the mouse cursor to select the text you want to note.
  3. Select Add Note to Selected Text PDF Gold add note Marking Up Text from the Text Markup menu. The selected text shows as: PDF Gold sample note Marking Up Textwith a pop-up Highlight window beside.
  4. Enter what text you want to insert in the Highlight window.

Note: If the comment text window doesn’t show by default, just double-click the markup area and it will pop up.

To delete a text markup comment:

  1. Right-click the markup area and select Delete from the context menu, or select the markup and then press Delete on the keyboard.
  2. If markup comments are placed on top of one another, you can only delete the markup in order opposite to the order they were added.

Marking Up Text